About us

There are many different kinds of video annotation services in the world, and you can select any one of them, but there are also many kinds of industries out there in the market which will take any kind of video annotation service, but the only thing is that the service will depend on the kind of company that they are having and another thing about them is that they are going to need the different kind of video clip that they want to use in the video annotation process so that they can use it for anything they want and most of the companies use these clips on their website so that they can promote themselves on the internet. The different industries that use this service are autonomous technology and transport, which use this service to mark different kinds of objects on the street by creating a 360-degree camera. The medical AI will use this kind of service so that the machine can examine and tell the patient about the different activities that their body part is having and if there is any treatment needed to fix that particular body part. The last is geospatial, which uses it to mark structures.